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Pure palm sap has various health benefits. It helps control blood sugar, improves the digestive system, and makes a better immune system, as the palm extract is rich in antioxidants, fibre, vitamin B, and other essential vitamins and minerals. The gurtee palm candies augment the health factors by mixing essential herbs such as clove, cinnamon, and cardamom with the palm sap. This article discusses various health benefits of cloves and emphasizes the importance of using gurtee masala as an alternative to sugar to improve the health systems of family members. 

1. Contain Key Nutrients

One tablespoon or 2gm clove powder contains various nutrients in the form of fibre, minerals, and vitamins. In 2gm of cloves, you will find 6 Kcal calories, 1gm carbs, 1gm fibre, 55% manganese, and 2% vitamin K.

Manganese is essential for practical brain function and bone development. Vitamin K facilitates bone tissue development and blood clotting management. Fibre helps to clear the digestive system, and calories provide energy to sustain body functions.

All these benefits are available in gurtee mix-masala candy. The gurtee candy is prepared by mixing clove, cinnamon, and cardamom powders in palm sap to produce dried palm candy. These palm candies are available in a gurtee masala pack. 

2. High in Antioxidants

Cloves are rich in antioxidants, which help to reduce oxidative stress, which causes chronic illness. The critical compound Eugenol acts as an essential antioxidant, helping to improve individuals’ health. 

Adding clove to palm sap to produce gurtee masala ensures that the masala has a significant amount of antioxidants. That is why sipping juice made of gurtee masala or chewing palm candies offers instant energy.  

In summer, when the heat soaks energy out of the body, gurtee masala is a true saviour. Children, older people, and adult members of the family will feel relaxed and energetic when they drink a gurtee masala juice after returning home from school, college, or the office.

3. Protect Against Bacteria

Cloves’ antibacterial properties help fight growing microorganisms such as bacteria. In rainy seasons, when humidity fuels the growth of bacteria, consuming cloves protects family members from developing any bacterial or fungus infection.

The gurtee mix-masala candy, which contains cloves, boosts individuals’ immunity and helps them fight infections. Therefore, make a habit of using gurtee masala as an alternative to refined or artificial sugar in any beverage.

For morning tea or evening desserts, gurtee masala is the perfect ingredient to reduce calorie consumption, improve the digestive system, and boost immunity, keeping you strong and healthy throughout the year.

4. Regulate Blood Sugar

Clove extract helps to reduce the sugar level in the blood. It acts like insulin to fight against type-2 diabetes without any side effects. Therefore, taking this extract in small amounts every day will reduce the health risks of people with high blood sugar.

Moreover,  eating daily clove extract will naturally reduce the risk of developing diabetes or related diseases. The gurtee mix-masala candy comes with a handful of solutions to serve this purpose.

Gurtee masala contains clove, cinnamon, and cardamom extracts to keep individuals’ blood sugar levels under control. Consuming palm candies of gurtee masala offers a tasty and healthy alternative to satiate the craving for something sweet and delicious. You can keep the gurtee masala bottle in the kitchen for a long time without worry. The naturally made palm candies stand the test of time without impacting their flavour and quality.

5. Improve Liver Health

The clove essence can protect the liver from free radicals that can damage it and cause cirrhosis. Overcoming the ill effects of cirrhosis helps individuals fight against liver cancer or other liver diseases.

The elderly members of families who suffer from poor digestion or liver problems should include gurtee masala in their diet plan as a healthy alternative to sugar. The gurtee masala has no harmful chemicals and is 100% natural. The goodness of palm candies available in the gurtee mix-masala pack will offer relief from constipation, improve the digestive system, build a more robust immune system, and help to fight against seasonal diseases. Therefore, hurry and place an order online or visit the nearest retail store to buy gurtee masala today. 

6. Protect from Cancer

Clove essence contains the anti-carcinogenic agent Eugenol, which, when used in limited amounts, helps fight cancer. Research has proven that clove essence shows positive results in the cell death of breast cancer cells and allows patients to battle the disease.

However, consuming the essential oil in high amounts can damage the liver and severely impact children. A minimal amount of clove essence is present in gurtee mix-masala candy, which helps develop an immune system that fights cancer or severe diseases.

A simple habit of taking palm candy as a replacement for refined or artificial sugar does the magic. You can use gurtee masala to prepare tea, coffee, or desserts so that each member of the family can benefit from the herbal benefits of the palm candies. 

7. Improve Bone Health

Gurtee mix-masala is a pack of palm candies infused with clove, cardamom, and cinnamon essences. The clove essence contains manganese, which plays a pivotal role in ensuring superior bone function. 

Moreover, Eugenol is also essential to ensure the effective development of bone mass. Poor bone mass causes osteoporosis and other diseases which make bones weak and vulnerable to fracture. That is why daily taking a small amount of cloves is highly important for maintaining healthy bones.

Gurtee mix-masala candy has made the process easier. The masala contains palm candies filled with the goodness of palm sap and clove essence. It’s very easy to crush the candies by putting light pressure on them using your fingers. The gurtee masala easily mixes with water. Therefore, making tea, coffee, and other beverages using gurtee masala is an easy way to get the benefits.

8. Relieve Stress and Pain

Clove has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. The herb offers instant relief from headaches, joint pain, and similar diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, and others. Gurtee masala enriched with clove goodness deliciously provides the benefits of clove.

The natural sweetness of gurtee masala makes tasty, sweet beverages that instantly boost energy and help one overcome tiredness. When the gurtee mix-masala candy is added to hot milk and consumed, it works like magic to offer relief from constant headaches.


When one of the key ingredients of gurtee mix-masala candy, offers such immense benefits, imagine the strength of masala in keeping your family strong and healthy throughout the years. As an apple a day keeps doctors away, eating palm candies in small amounts each day will boost your immunity to fight against any critical diseases. Therefore, hurry to buy a gurtee masala pouch today to kick-start a healthy habit for you and your family. Dbhar’s special gurtee masala will be your magic ingredient in bringing smiles to young and elders. The unique taste of the candies will help you make your signature dish without compromising on health.

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